Woodchuck members at work
Imagine a local food pantry or food bank. Replace the focus of food with firewood, and you have a center known as a wood bank. Like food pantries, wood banks aim to help community members with life essentials by supplying firewood at little to no cost to low income people and families who rely on firewood as a heating source.
Like our other heating programs, Woodchucks exists to ensure that no one on the Peninsula goes cold in the winter - and there is no denying that a Maine winter can be brutally cold! We serve low income and vulnerable people who have wood stoves or fireplaces. Our goal is to help keep homes warm all winter long.
Based out of the Boothbay Public Works, the Woodchuck's members range in age from 60 to nearly 90. Most of their wood comes from developers and others with lots they need cleared. If they have good access, the Woodchucks will come and clear the downed trees, chop the wood, and cure it.
To volunteer time, request that a tree be cut down, or to donate equipment or hardwood, please fill out this form.