Collaborative Partners
Our partners help us accomplish our goals. We are so thankful for each and every one of them.
Food Pantry
Friday, 11am–1pm
The Food Pantry is located in the basement of the Boothbay Harbor Congregational Church located at the intersection of Townsend Avenue and Eastern Avenue.
(207) 350-2963
Community Lunches
Warming spaces and free community lunches are offered seasonally during the winter (November - March) at:
Our Lady Queen of Peace (Monday @ 11:30am)
Edgecomb Congregational Church (Tuesday @ noon)
St. Columba's Episcopal (Thursday @ 11:30am)
Boothbay Harbor Congregational Church, Boothbay Baptist Church, and the Methodist Churches provide the meals on alternating weeks at St. Columba’s.
Rebuilding Together
The incredible local Rebuilding Together team has performed home repairs projects for over 140 homeowners in Lincoln County.
For more information or to donate, call Sally Barter at 633-6063 or visit
Spectrum Generations
Does an older loved one in your family seem to get overwhelmed with mail, misplace invoices, and have trouble remembering to bay bill on time? Money minders might be just what you're looking for - trained volunteers work one to one with aging community members and help them stay on track with their finances.
For more information contact the Community Navigator, Hannah Corkum at (207) 350-1743 hannah.corkum@crcboothbay.org
Good Morning Neighbor
This program empowers and connects people who live alone and who may be restricted to their residence. Participants agree to be in a group of 3 neighbors who call one another every morning.
For more information, call Debby Hidu at (207) 633-1028
New Ventures Maine
This non-profit organization works with individuals state-wide to assist with employment, small business development, and money management. This is done through tuition-free in-person and online classes, some of which are held right at our CRC office!
For more information, newventuresmaine.org
or contact the Community Navigator, Hannah Corkum at (207) 350-1743
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and let’s get started.